Peel some very large cepe mushrooms.
Put the heads in a fireproof dish with some oil and butter, and put them in a very moderate oven till tender.
Baste frequently.
Meanwhile chop the stalks finely, and put them in a saucepan with a little oil.
Cover, and sizzle very gently till tender.
Leave to get cold.
Then mash together with the same quantity of Burgundy butter.
When the cepe heads are ready, stuff them.
To re-heat, lay them carefully, so as not to spill the butter, into a fireproof dish containing a little water or white wine, and put in a medium oven.
Take them out as soon as the butter begins to bubble.
Burgundy butter is made with the following ingredients: 1/2 lb.
of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley, 2 shallots (about 1/2 oz.) or the same quantity of chives—2 cloves of garlic, I tea-spoonful of salt, 3 pinches of ground white pepper.
Chop the shallots or chives, garlic and parsley finely together, and mix into the butter with the salt and pepper.
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